قواطع تشذيب فتحات تهوية الإطارات من كربيد التنجستن

FeFo is a Chinese lead manufacturer of industrial blades and machine knives.
This is tungsten carbide material vent trimming cutter, which used for tyre industry.
We produce both machine use and hand use vent trimmers, this is for tyre vent trimming machine.

FeFo is a Chinese lead manufacturer of industrial blades and machine knives. This is tungsten carbide material vent trimming cutter, which used for tyre industry. We produce both machine use and hand use vent trimmers, this is for tyre vent trimming machine.

قائمة النماذج

كود جزء مقاس مادة
فف-00340.2*39.35*5.05mmكربيد التنغستن