Deburring cutters for tire finishing after curing

Tire deburring cutters and pin vent trimmers, tools to trim air vent whiskers and finish off tires after the curing process… We offer a broad range of models to handle most requirements of both tire manufacturers and re-treaders. All our blades are heat treated for quality and endurance.

Model List

Part code Size Material
0100149*49*2.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100275*49*2.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100360*50*5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100475*50*2.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100550*47*2.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100650*15.8*4.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100731*30*5.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100845*39.6*7.82Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100984.6*80*8.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0101055*40.5*5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
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