Vent Trimming knives De-burring Cutters

Tire deburring cutters and pin vent trimmers, tools to trim air vent whiskers and finish off tires after the curing process… The edges should be sharp enough for efficient spew trimming, yet strong enough to hold on in a demanding production environment. We choose the best combination of resistance and convenience according to the trimmer design.

Model List

Part code Size Material
0100149*49*2.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100275*49*2.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100360*50*5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100475*50*2.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100550*47*2.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100650*15.8*4.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100731*30*5.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100845*39.6*7.82Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0100984.6*80*8.5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
0101055*40.5*5Tungsten carbide/SKH-51
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